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Data Warehouse Project Management

Data Warehouse Project Management 


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"Anyone who finds Data Warehouse Project Management has found for themselves a veritable gold mine, a wealth of wisdom and experience from some real pros . . . it is the most thorough and thoughtful work on data warehouse projects I have ever read." /From the Foreword by John A. Zachman./

Data warehouse development projects present a unique set of management challenges that can confound even the most experienced project manager. Data Warehouse Project Management addresses these challenges and provides a comprehensive roadmap to managing every aspect of data warehouse design, development, and implementation. Drawing on their extensive experience in the field, Sid Adelman and Larissa Moss point to critical success factors, reveal the many pitfalls to watch out for, and offer proven solutions that will enable you to put a successful data warehouse project into place.

You will find in-depth coverage of such topics as:

  • Critical success factors and reasons for failures
  • Measuring results
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Selecting the right software and vendors
  • Roles and responsibilities of team members
  • Methodology, including rapid application development and parallel development tracks
  • Developing a logical and physical data model for smooth data integration
  • The important issue of data quality and how to cleanse dirty data from source file

At the end of each chapter, "A Cautionary Tale" warns you of potential problems, and a workshop enables you to practice what you've just learned. The book concludes with a comprehensive example that illustrates project planning and management in action, from determining milestones, schedules, and tasks to maintaining control when the project goes off course. An accompanying CD-ROM contains the workshops in electronic format as well as helpful templates and additional reading material.

Book info

Moss, Larissa
Adelman, Sid
Year of issue: 
ISBN 10: 
ISBN 13: 